heart wall clearing
No one gets through this human experience without some wounding and emotional trauma. As a natural defense mechanism, a ‘wall’ gets built around the heart in an effort to avoid future hurt. Ironically, this shielding works in both ways and it also dampens our own ability to listen to our heart, express our creativity fully, connect with loved ones, and live in our true authentic power.
Releasing your heart wall is a powerful part of your healing journey. It can help open the channels to your own intuition, your passion, and your ability to allow yourself to evolve. Clients have reported feeling like a physical weight has been lifted from their chest; a new sense of freedom and lightness about life; a feeling of magnetism in romantic relationships and dating; sparks of creativity in new areas; clarity around their passion and purpose; and more!
The Heart Wall Clearing package includes:
A 30-minute intro call to understand your unique areas of desired focus and explanation of what to expect.
As many energy work sessions as it takes to completely clear your heart wall (these vary by individual as everyone’s heart wall is different in terms of size, material, and ease of clearing). For most clients, this will be somewhere between 4 and 8 sessions.
Occasional ‘homework’ assignments to help facilitate the clearing and ensure you get the most benefit from the work (these are assessed via intuitive download but may include journaling, activating mantras, watching a recommended video - we won’t know until we’re in it, but these are always optional. You get out of it what you’re willing put into it.)
Two additional 30-minute calls to help you integrate the work and expand your self-awareness, one midway, and one to celebrate your next steps.
Heart Wall clearing can bring up a lot of emotions while they’re being cleared but you will be 100% supported during the journey!
Please contact Deb at heyoo@demysticism.com for additional information and to book.