Meet Deb…

Deb Caron is the face of deMysticism. She brings a life-long passion for holistic wellness and curiosity about how human beings are wired to her work. Deb loves spiritual and mystical practices but also geeks out about neuroscience and biology. She combines Usui Reiki, energy healing, sound therapy, and intuitive guidance to help others connect with their highest self. Her hope is that by demystifying the ‘inexplicable’ stuff she can make it accessible and believable - and by way of that, help more people realize their true, authentic way of living.

7th Generation Usui Reiki III Master Teacher
Registered Yoga Teacher
Sound Healer
Intuitive Guide

Human Design: 6/2 Generator
Enneagram: 7 - The Enthusiast
DISC: Equal parts I and S

Image provided by Tina Caron Portraits & Fine Art.